Monday, 25 February 2008

A family first!

Saturday night seemed odd for Ian and I. It was the first time one of the boys was away without either of us. Sean had his first sleepover. With his Scooby Doo suitcase packed up with all the essentials and a packet of sweets as a treat, he stayed at Phoebe's on Saturday night. We got a call about 8.45p, to say they were watching Ratatouille and having a lovely time. Then yesterday morning the Fishers took him bowling. He had a great time! I spent the night tossing and turning, knowing he would be fine, but thinking about him anyway. A mother's lot, I guess.

We didn't do an awful lot over the weekend. I was still fairly pooped after the trip to Ascot on Weds/Thursday. I've been invited on the Forward Planning Committee for the year by Pampered Chef, which is a great honour, but it was a hard enough day, plenty of thought-provoking matters to consider. The delayed flight on the way back, with the worst turbulence I've ever experienced, didn't help matters. Show on Friday night, training for the team on Saturday morning, and I felt the need to just veg out!

Ian took Finn swimming on Saturday afternoon, and they had a grand time, all things told! Finn didn't even notice that he had no armbands on till Ian pointed it out to him in the showers. We are trying to build his confidence up in the water, aiming to have him swimming confidently with armbands by the end of the summer, and then he can start swimming lessons himself.

On Sunday, I managed to get out for a walk, 7.78 miles covered according to Google Maps. I've signed up to do the Moonwalk in June, 26.2 miles from midnight in your bra, all in aid of Breast Cancer. The plan is twofold - get some exercise and lose some blubber, and at the same time, force myself to have some "me" time. Not something I am good at.

A busy week lies ahead. Rowan has a temperature and is very grumpy, possibly as a result of his MMR last week, so lets hope he settles down soon. I hate to see him so miserable. Then Ian is off to Rome at the weekend for a conference. Mam said she is going to come over to help out while he is away, which is fantastic news. I never like it when I don't have any dates in the diary for visits from home, and there was nothing planned. So this is working out quite well. And I get to spend Mother's Day with the best Mother in the world, mine.

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