Friday, 18 June 2010

School trips

There's been plenty of activity on the school front this month. Sports days have come and gone and so have the school trips. Sean's was probably the least spectacular; a walk to Spylaw Park, where he was chased by a dog earlier in the year, a picnic and then the public bus back to the school. Still, it got him out, although he said Sarah wouldn't play with him so he wasn't really enjoying it. Sean's team came third, I think, at the sports but he won a few races at the Beavers sports night which he was very happy about. He can be fleet of foot when he makes the effort, Light and quick like his father, though my turn of pace has rather deserted me of late! I took Sean and Ross out for dinner at the Kingsacre golf club following a party at the fabled Logy Gym in Loanhead (Sean has been desperate to go there as Finn has had about three parties at least this year). Ross stayed for a sleepover afterwards.

Rowan was at a party at Time Twisters. The difference between Rowan and his elder brothers in his self-confidence is remarkable. Even at five, I could barely leave Sean at a party: at three and a half Rowan is gone before you can check with the hosts that it's OK to leave him. Rowan's nursery day out was to Almond Valley Farm Park and he seems to have had a great time stroking the giant rabbits and feeding the animals and having his lunch in the sand pit (he said).

Finn's day trip was to Vogrie Park, a last minute change from the planned outing to Yellowcraigs beach. When Sean enquired why Finn wasn't going to the beach he replied matter-of-factly, "Health and safety."

Angus hasn't been on any trips, just back and forward to school with his Mammy, and into Fairmile nursery on a Thursday and Friday. They love him to bits in there, because he always has a big smile on his face. His first freckle has appeared, near his right shoulder blade, and Sharon gave him his first hair-cut, trimming his mohawk which was starting to flop over his eyes. She has the first locks from all her boys and showed the older lads theirs. Finn is certainly the darkest and while Angus started quite dark, his hair has been lightening up in the sun recently.

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