Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Back at the ranch

From Sharon, back in a cold Edinburgh with the wee two...

It's lovely to see the boys in the photos, am missing them. Why was Finn so miserable in the first one? [He was just being Finn and putting on a face.] Sounds like you are all having a great time, am envious! I took Ro and Angus out to what was formerly Bubbles in Livingston for a swim this afternoon. Had hoped to do something outdoors as it was a beautiful clear day, but bitterly cold. Had been thinking about going to the zoo, but it was too cold. Then took them for an early tea in Ikea.

They really enjoyed the swimming, with a great new area in the "puddle" bit for babies. It included a rainbow slide, and Angus was in his element up the steps, down the slide and into a splash landing below. Rowan kept squealling with delight, shouting "this is SOOOOOOOOOO cool, Mum!" He was hyper for most of the afternoon, which is fairly exhausting in itself!

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