Sunday, 30 December 2007

The Grand Tour of Ireland

We're just about to leave Tralee to head for Tuam, the third leg of our figure of eight tour around Ireland. We've engulfed Alan and Edel's house (and Johnno's next door) for three nights, to the extent that Alan took ill and stayed at his mum's! The fact that Adrian and Olivia had arrived had nothing to do with it I'm sure!

We had a great time at the Tralee Aquadome, Sean diving through the waves and Finn carrying on his good floating and kicking work and Rowan having a rare old time splashing and kicking and walking through the shallows. A windy day by Tralee BayYesterday we went to Fenit in more squally weather, briefly braving the playground by the sea as white horses rode the heaving waters of Tralee Bay between Fenit and the mountains beyond. Edel showed off her classroom to the boys before lunch then the lads enjoyed Toby World soft play at the end of the day.

After a night in Tuam we should be seeing in New Year in Athlone before I fly home on the 2nd.

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