Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Postman Sean

There was a flurry of activity before school this morning as Sean was instructing me about the giving out of cards. One Dad, no idea who he was, commented on how impressive the pile was, and asked if Sean had done them all. When I answered in the affirmative, he was quite gobasmacked. Said his kid wouldn't have the patience to do 2 never mind 20!

Finn and ZoeFinn's mood instantly improved the second he saw Zoe in the playground. I gave Zoe a lift to playgroup instead of Karen walking over. The two are hilarious in the back. Then Finn asked Zoe did she want to come for lunch and a play. She said yes, and they were talking away about our tree. I texted Karen to see if that would be okay, and she said that Zoe had gymnastics so couldn't come. Finn was devastated when I came to pick up him and him alone. He has asked me 14 times since coming in the door can he watch telly. He has let up on that one, and now he wants to colour in Santa on the cyum-pyuter. Trying to entice him to help me do some PC work (paperwork!), but he ain't biting.

I'm thinking about enrolling him next term in either Gym Nippers or Kick-a-Ball over at Gracemount, if I can get a place. Be nice for him to have something to do. Maybe if Rowan goes to the creche at the same time and I get a swim in or something then we would all be happy! I went swimming this morning, and [shock horror!] I almost felt I was enjoying it! Ro had a ball up in the creche, and cried when I took him home!

My arms hurt.