Wednesday, 20 August 2008

P2 Boy

Sean returned to school this morning, despite the threat of industrial action which has closed a number of schools in the Lothians. I took him down in the pouring rain, him looking all smart in his freshly pressed trousers, carrying his new black and grey rucksack. Still sucking his thumb though. Mrs Cameron-Mackintosh is his new teacher but I didn't see her today as he went straight to the dining hall because of the inclement weather. Cockmylane by the side of the school was like an open stream.

It's been the wettest August I can recall. All my cricket matches have been cancelled this month so the evening season has been rather abruptly curtailed and we only have a Saturday friendly left up at Largo in mid-September. No doubt we'll struggle to get the numbers for that game as everyone will have forgotten about playing by then. The garden has been a dead loss with the grass too wet to cut (admittedly I couldn't be bothered tackling it during a dry day on Sunday) and weeds running riot in every bed. The boys didn't have much chance to get out and about as the holidays drew to a close, Sharon having to resort to Clambers soft play and Dobbies for lunch to at least get some fresh air this week. Finn starts Gym Nippers today and is back to morning pre-school nursery tomorrow, so rampant Rowan will rule the roost for the morning for the next wee while.

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