Monday, 22 December 2008

In the bleak midwinter

Sharon's cough is slowly easing, I've got a stinking head cold, Finn had a temperature and cough at the end of the week and is off his food, Rowan is snotty again and Sean just likes to whinge so he doesn't feel left out. It's a sick house as we count down to Christmas and not a particularly jolly one as tiredness and poor appetites are triggering tantrums from little and big alike.

In an attempt to build some festive cheer yesterday we headed into Princes St Gardens on a blowy afternoon to see the reindeer and Santa. Rowan looked a bit non-plussed at Santa but Finn was more interested in the mouse and cat peeking out of Santa's pockets. Sean wasn't quite as thrilled as he was last year and was more excited about climbing atop a litter bin to get a better view. Sharon took the three lads on Santa's train around the gardens which elicited much excitement from Rowan. Given that Rowan on a normal day can be a non-stop voicebox, an excited Rowan can be challenging to say the least. He was playing the innkeeper in his nursery nativity though we can't ascertain whether or not he had any words. Barbara did say that all she heard when the narrator asked "Are the angels here yet?" was a resounding "NO!" from the golden boy. That's his favourite word!

Sharon and I were round at the Broons' house on Saturday night for a joint 40th for Graeme and Carole. It was good getting out and chatting to a few old work pals that I hadn't seen for a while especially after a day of taking the three boys to B&Q, Tesco and the library. I was fed up with the sound of my own voice - "Back here now!", "Stop!", "Hold hands crossing the road!", "No, we're not buying that", "Put that down, it's made of glass!", and so on. Maybe there's a gap in the market for a mini-megaphone with a pre-programmed range of stock parent shouts. It would save on the vocal chords. Although Rowan would probably get hold of it and play one phrase to death.

At least we're not travelling this year. Michael and Marie touch down tomorrow which will even up the adult to child ratio. Maybe it's time to deploy the NORAD Santa Tracker to distract the boys.

Happy Birthday John Wallace! "Grampa John", had he lived, would have been 87 today. At least from this point on, the days should be getting lighter!

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