Saturday, 28 March 2009

Parents' Night

It was Parents Night on Wednesday at the school. All is well with Sean and Finn is exactly where they want him to be in terms of being ready to progress to P1 in August. He's starting to learn his sounds and when I am reading to him I get him to try simple words. He will require more encouragement than Sean and it will be more work for us but it will give the teachers a chance to do their job this time! Mrs. Nelson said he was playing more with others now, not just Zoe, and that he liked building towers with the Lego and doing arts and crafts. Typically Finn refuted this when I asked him and we must say it's not the Finn we know at home, who shows little interest in such things. So you do wonder how complete the observations are at nursery. Either that or Finn continues to confound, being a completely different child when in the company of other adults.

Sean has passed his Level A reading assessment easily. He was finished so quickly his teacher asked him to check but he had scored 20 and 21 in the two papers which was amost 100%. He had another round of Raven's Progressive Matrices and vocabulary tests with Mrs. Morwood (who seemed unaware he had had tests last year too...) the latter of which involved him looking at pictures and having to choose an appropriate word from a list of four to describe the picture. He came out well in this but was in the top 2% for the Raven's test so he'll be getting some more challenging problem-solving type work with a few of his P2 peers next term. Hopefully. The funding isn't really there to support any targeted learning but at least they are recognising the need to bring together the more able pupils from the two P2 classes and challenge them more.

It was good reading some of Sean's creative work such as his monster called Mr. Washing who liked to eat balloons filled with blood and his dream about a fruit race and to see Finn's All About Me book with some of his pictures in it. We spent quite a while at the school all told, as Lesley and Stuart were looking after the boys.

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