The clocks going forward by one hour always seems to have a disproportionate effect on our daily rhythms. Last weekend was compounded, for me, by having a rare late night on the Friday. It was Brian's leaving drinks after 18 years at Standard Life. In retrospect, walking home from Princes St may have provided me with some much-needed exercise but it deprived me of an hour in bed.
On Saturday the Valentines and Pattersons were round for dinner then on Monday I had a very long day, down to London and back up for a rather fruitless Enterprise Architecture forum. So I seem to have spent the week playing catch-up. Sharon is finding it increasingly hard to get comfortable during the night too, so we're well on the way to practising for the disrupted sleep patterns that lie ahead this summer.
Sean did a beautiful reading yesterday at the Pentland Easter assembly which was being hosted by the two P2 classes. They've been working hard practising for the day and Sharon and I were there to see them narrate the Easter story, interspersed with songs they had been learning. Sean did his reading into the hand-held microphone on his own (most of the others were done in groups of two or three). He stepped forward confidently and read very clearly. He said he felt a little bit nervous but had said to himself "I can do this" and did not falter. Sharon and I were very proud of him. Finn was there too, as Alison had brought him along.
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