Friday, 5 June 2009

Names and numbers

Finn had his Numbers day last Friday, following on from his Letters day the previous Friday. This is a chance to mix with all the new P1 intake in the school hall, doing various number or letter-based activities such as writing your name in icing on a biscuit, doing letter jigsaws, printing your name with block letter and so on. It seems there will be three P1 classes starting in August (the limit is 25 per class) reducing to two P2 classes the following year, when the limit is 30 per class, so presumably there are 60 children in this year's P1 intake. There were almost no admissions accepted from outside the catchment area. Sean's class size is around 23, which is good, although he got a cut on his leg from a scissor incident this week that we were not happy about. Even Sean, who said it was an accident, was a bit confused about why it had happened.

Gogos are the latest craze with the lads and we're trying to get them to earn "gogo marbles" in order that they can buy a new pack of Gogos at the end of the week. Some days are better than others. Thursday nights are still the worst as they are both very tired after being at Alison's. Yesterday was even worse as the school was closed for the European elections and they spent the whole day in Fairmile Park having a picnic and playing with friends so they were rather quick to tears over teatime and bedtime. Rowan, the snot monster, was remarkably good humoured for a Thursday evening, having had a great time at nursery gettnig his photo taken. The contact sheet of prints should have modelling agencies clamouring for his signature.

So, when will the baby turn up. There are certain sequences that would be nice to complete. 3/6/9 would have been a good date but that's passed. The 4th would have given us that straight run of birth days (Sean 2nd, me 3rd, baby 4th, Finn 5th, Rowan 6th, Sharon 7th). 6/6/9 or 9/6/9 might be good, especially the latter as we already have a 2/11/2 and a 6/11/6. 16/6/9 would have been my mum's 85th birthday. We've been debating girl's names once more. Some of the more obscure registered names in 2008 don't particularly appeal. I do wonder if the two boys named Zinedine and Zidane were twins.

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