Monday, 21 September 2009

Seasonal change

My cricket season came to a belated end with the annual trip up to Largo later than usual this year, on the second Sunday of the month. We had a facile victory over a team of old heads and youngsters but it was good to get a bat and a bowl after a long break since our previous fixture. It was a mixed season, with no success in the main cup competitions and a struggle to get teams out in friendlies. Eventually we ended up ahead with more wins than losses but the lack of enthusiasm from career staff coupled with my increasing commitments at work and home may cast doubts over whether we can get a team organised next season. It has become a bit of a chore and my creaking limbs have meant the playing side hasn't been all that enjoyable either. I only ended up with five wickets this year, a record low. Still, it was good to have the post-match banter with Goof and a couple of the guys in the Railway Inn in Lower Largo and then mark the passing of another season (my 22nd for Standard!) by going down to the waters edge and looking across to the Lothians.

Sean has starting going to the Beavers along at St. John's church next to the library in Oxgangs. Ross is going too. For now it's just an extension of arts and crafts and running about games as far as Sean is concerned so he seems quite happy to go along with it. Sean and Finn went for a sleepover to Ross's house and had a fine time. They're both back at swimming too, which is a bit of a handful for Sharon; trying to mind Angus and keeping Rowan from ending up in the pool. At the school's curriculum night, Mrs. Henry, Finn's teacher, said he had settled well and had very good scores in his initial assessments. Sharon was less impressed with Mrs. Urquhart, Sean's teacher, but we suspect that she is mixing him up with someone else at the moment. Sean had apparently made himself a name badge as he was getting annoyed at being called "James."

Michael (or "Paps" as Rowan has been calling him), was over as I was due to go to London for a Gartner conference. I had to cancel that for work reasons but ended up going to London for another piece of work the day after Michael went home! I got the train back up which was novel and surprisingly quick. 4h 20m from Kings Cross; a good bit quicker than whenever I last did that journey, probably 20 years ago. Considering how long it takes to get out to Heathrow, go through security and fly, the train is a reasonable alternative.

When we were waiting for Sharon's flight to arrive I took the boys to Craigie Fruit Farm for big bits of cake and a play on the tractors. Rowan was throwing himself down the hill in his tractor with his usual lack of concern for all and sundry, including himself. It's only a matter of time before he breaks something.

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