Friday, 18 December 2009

The Bad Shepherd

Sean has continued his theatre trail this week, adding two more to his list. First he went to see Peter Pan with the rest of the school, Finn included, at the Lyceum on Monday and then Sharon took him on a big night out to the Playhouse last night to see We Will Rock You, the Queen musical. He seems to have enjoyed the music but been a bit vague on the storyline. At least he didn't start howling at the noise and darkness like he did the first time I took him to the Festival Theatre to see the Singing Kettle in May 2005. We ended up sitting up the back with him on the stairs! Of his three trips in the last week, Sean said Peter Pan was the best. I think he most enjoyed being the big boy who got to stay up late two night while his brothers went to bed!

Sharon attended a nativity double-header today. Finn's was rearranged for the school hall due to bad weather which meant it was rather a tight squeeze for all the school-children and the P1 parents. Finn was a "party person" which involved sitting at the side in his party clothes with a toy and singing "Away in a Manger" on cue. He has been practising that almost nightly, reading the words from his sheet. Sharon had to retreat to the doorway with Angus but could still see Finn doing his bit, although Finn threw a tantrum because he saw Sharon leave and wasn't aware that she could still seem through the door.

In the afternoon, Sharon went to Rowan's nativity at Fairmilehead Church hall. Given that he misses out on singing practice at Fairmile, his role as a shepherd was nominal, but he injected life into the piece by battering baby Jesus with his crook. He then turned on Sandy and gave him a few wallops too. Rowan is a boisterous child, very much used to rough and tumble with two older brothers.

We had hoped to get into the Winter Wonderland today but the bad weather dissuaded us of that notion, it being rather slippy in town. Angus is getting up on all fours now and is keen to crawl. For now he makes do by spinning on his tummy and covering ground by spiralling outwards from wherever you leave him. His sleeping is still no better and with Finn continuing his early evening night terrors, Sean leaping about in a dozy stupor and Rowan occasionally joining in with night-time crying it is a tiring time for Sharon and me.

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