Sunday, 10 January 2010

Sleep sliding away

Angus's sleeping has plumbed new depths. Since recovering from his RSV he has been very fractious during the night, save for the night when Sharon was down in Manchester when he slept from 6.45pm through to 5.45am. So he can go a long stretch without needing a feed or to be lifted or to be brought into the bed, but he seems to be easily disturbed, especially once the house goes quiet, and unwilling or unable to go back to sleep. It's not been made any easier the last week as he has been "sleeping" in our room while Michael and Marie have been over, but we can hear him wherever he is in the house once he decides he's awake and needs company. Rowan chipping in with the odd calls in the night for a drink and then wetting the bed isn't helping our mood either. It really is a struggle at the moment, going to bed exhausted knowing that you aren't going to get a good night's sleep.

Sharon was desperately disappointed at the cancellation of the Pampered Chef Leadership Conference down in Manchester. She had to revise her travel plans several times from car to train to bus as the continued big freeze (now the worst in Scotland in fifty years) brought cross-country travel to a standstill. Then, after a two-hour delay following me dropping her off at Edinburgh Airport in -9°C temperatures, she was in the air when Marie got a message that the conference was cancelled on account of the weather forecast for the southern half of England on the Friday and Saturday. With Sharon's recent promotion to Executive Director due to be recognised at the event and the bolster it gives her and those of her team who are attending, she was quite upset that it couldn't go ahead. About forty people did make it (out of an anticpated 300 who were due to travel) so there was an impromptu event and dinner with Sharon having to pick her way north on the Friday, eventually getting trains to Preston and Glasgow and thence to Edinburgh.

Adrian was delayed too, his flight on Wed cancelled after he had checked in. He appeared on Friday but his stay was brief as Sharon drove him through to Prestwick this morning for him to fly to Sweden, which is even colder than here! Sean and Finn and I got our long overdue haircuts yesterday, with Finn looking especially smart now that his mop has gone. I put in a new fluorescent light in the kitchen today and tried to dig out some of the snow as a slight thaw has arrived with the temperature struggling to 3°C. Our metre long icicle has finally crashed from the front gutter, fortunately not impaling any of the children.

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