"I have a Kiwi bud on my T-shirt," announced Rowan today. "Bud?" asked his mammy. "No, bud!" exclaimed Rowan. "But you said bud," Sharon pointed out. "I said bud not bud!" reiterated Rowan.
Rowan definitely can't roll his R's yet. As a consequence, we can tease him as described above. Other amusing couplets include "park" and "pahk" and "dark" and "dahk" and "girl" and "gull." This game partly stems from me mimicking Gordon Barnes doing his "caught" and "court" and "sauce" and "source" routine, where, in his Norfolk-oringated accent, both words sound the same. The boys seem to find this amusing for now (as they do whenever I put on an accent): no doubt it'll be an embarassment to them in years to come!
Both Rowan and Angus were on antibiotics this week after a visit to the doctor confirmed Angus definitely had a chest infection (he's been purring like a cat) and Rowan possibly had one. Neither has had a swine flu jab as their appointment was cancelled at the last minute. There seems to have been a litany of coughs and tummy bugs this winter. Only Sean has risen above it all.
We were out with the Fletchers last night for dinner at Iglu and a brief drink in Kays Bar. Very brief, as we were stuffed after dinner. I managed not to have the wild boar burger (Euan did and reported it fine), opting for the fishcakes and hake instead while Sharon had the chicken parfait and Moroccan vegetarian dish.
Sean and Finn went to school dressed up for the ever popular World Book Day. Sean was dressed as Willie Wonka while Finn was the Wizard of Oz (despite having never read, or been read, the story). It was far easier getting them dressed and out the door than is normally the case, with Finn asking at 8.15 when it was time to go to school!
Angus has managed some "proper" crawling but is more mobile hauling himself about in dolphin kick mode. He has two teeth through now and gets to a point in the afternoon where all he wants to do is stand. Occasionally he pulls himself up against small chairs or the Lego box and then cries as he gets stuck. Hold him by the hands and he has the mechanics of walknig sussed but it'll be a while before the balance and control comes with it. Meanwhile we're having to move all potties, bins and other items of devastation to a suitable height out of his reach!
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