Sunday, 10 April 2011

Keep on running

Well done to my running wife! Sharon has been really getting into her running recently and today took on the Edinburgh half-marathon on an unseasonably warm April Sunday. The race began at Meadowbank and made its way eastwards to finish at Musselburgh racecourse. Fortunately she didn't have to go over the jumps! I made my way out to Musselburgh with her four wee supporters. Parking was tricky due tot he closed roads and we had to walk a fair bit to get in position. Eventually Sharon made it down the final straight, a big grin on her face when she saw her boys 200 yards from the finish.

Turned out she should have already finished as a steward had moved a cone at the 12 mile mark which effectively extended the race. Still, she made it and was rightly very pleased with herself as she had been a bit concerned in the morning before the race. We walked back to the car and took her home for a well-earned rest.

Yesterday we had a visit from the Shaws. It was great to see Alana and Iain and the boys though their three and our four meant there was little chance of a quiet sit down and chat. Sharon did some baking which went down well. I erected the new tent, mostly to prove all the bits were there and I could do it with minimal assistance from Sean and Finn who are not renowned at focusing on the task at hand. The good weather continued, perhaps giving a false sense that camping would be a doddle!

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