Sunday, 31 July 2011

Dunbar sun

Sharon was preparing for her "Grand a Month" dinner yesterday so I elected to take the boys out to Dunbar for the day. For once this summer the sun was shining so we took the beach stuff and parked by the beach next to Back Road. The tide was coming in so the bridge in the middle of the channel, and some people on the far side, quickly became isolated, much to the boys' amusement. We dug and paddled and had our snack and only Angus was a casualty, toppling the deckchair as he climbed on it, ending up with a faceful of snotty sand.

Getting everyone cleaned up wasn't as arduous as usual and, cones in hand, we wandered a little along the John Muir Way, the boys in their perpetual game of "Harry Potter" with spells being issued and repelled through their magic wands (any sticks they could find).

We wandered in to the Belhaven Bay campsite to see how it looked. There were some tents and it all seemed very pleasant in the afternoon sun. I still haven't taken the boys camping as I vowed to do this year and time is running out. Next weekend is the plan. As it was such a nice evening I decided to prolong the trip and sought the Tesco in Haddington to buy us a picnic tea. A long time and several circuits of Haddington later, I finally found the Tesco. Angus was by now in a terrible mood, having fallen asleep. However, we got some nosh (no hot chicken though!) and drove on to Gifford where the boys had a great run about in the playpark after their tea. It was a glorious evening, despite Rowan's wails as we finally headed for home.

Sharon did a fine leg of lamb for the dinner, with Jill, Rachael, Hannah and Alex all present, the latter giving us all a good laugh with some of his stories. Sharon and Hannah went for a run in the morning while I cleared up. They're going to be running in the Great North Run in September so time for more training for Sharon!

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