Monday, 20 February 2012

Traprain tantrum

The boys had a good week off school. Sharon kept them well entertained and they did their part too, playing well together and even going into the garden now and again. Getting them to go outdoors at this time of year can be hard work. The unseasonably mild weather helped. Rowan was even running around the garden with no T-shirt on at one point. Considering he is usually the coldest of the lot, wailing and girning at the slightest drop in temperature or chill breeze (even though he has previously been warned to dress up appropriately), this was unusual. There were no requests to get the paddling pool out, which was just as well as it died a death last summer, shredded and mouldy and generally unloved. We'll see what this summer brings as to whether a further investment is advisable.

Yesterday we set out for Traprain Law, a prominent hill east of Haddington, for a brisk Sunday afternoon walk. I had a good 90-minute hike around Torduff and Clubbiedean Reservoirs and up White Hill on Saturday while Sean and Finn were at golf and I was keen to get the rest of the family out for a walk. Sharon and I have told the boys we don;t mind all the Wii, DS and iPod play so long as it is balanced with fresh air and exercise. First hurdle was getting them ready and out the door. Then they all dozed off on the drive out (Sean had been at Alex's for a sleep-over on Saturday night). Angus then woke like the de'il himself, and launched into one of his spectacular non-cooperating tantrums. With Sharon's foot still not 100% and the climb round Traprain Law to the summit steep enough, no "liffeys" (lifts) or carrying were on offer. Angus didn't agree with that point of view and screamed, shouted, clung, sunk to his knees, was dragged, carried under one arm, cried, screamed and shouted some more until Sharon gave up half-way and took him back to the car. His performance continued on the return leg. I made it to the top with the big three. We admired the views then sheltered from the sharp wind in the cairn and mused on life as a Bronze Age dweller of the hill-fort. On our return, Angus perked up with a cheery "Hello boys!" and was right as rain thereafter, as though the forty-minute tantrum hadn't happened.

He can be a very stubborn toddler.

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