Sunday, 14 September 2008

Getting dirty in Dalkeith

We had a fine time this afternoon down at Dalkeith Country Park. Team Wallace (that's Sharon's extended Pampered Chef team as opposed to a new name for our family in the wake of Team GB's success at the Olympics) met up for a picnic and for the collected children to have a good romp around the adventure playground. The sun even came out for once.

Rowan went down the big slide but Sean and Finn wasted no time in going down the really big slide. Rowan was the leader as we all followed him around the treetop walk and up and down steps. Sean had a good time on the flying fox then we all walked down to the stables courtyard for an ice-cream and a bit of chasing, with me doing the running around.

Once home I gathered a good number of plums with Finn's help then cut the grass. Altogether a more fruitful day than yesterday when Sharon and I both felt rotten. After Lesley and Stuart came for lunch, Sharon took the boys to a birthday party in Bonnyrigg while I took my old faithful Philips TV to the dump. 17 years old, it went phut! last week. Farewell, old pal. These new-fangled flat-screen LCD jobs won't last half that time, I'm sure.

Sean had good news last week. His latest eye test showed a marked improvement in his amblyopia to the extent that they said if his right eye had been that strong when he was first tested then they wouldn't have started him on the patches at all. That said, he's down to three hours a day, from six. It's a great relief that his right eye has improved as we feared he was borderline for being able to improve, having been detected so late. First chance we get, Rowan will be getting tested.

Marie and Michael have returned from living it up on a 40th wedding anniversary cruise around the Mediterranean. Mallorca, Monte Carlo, Rome, Sardinia and then a week in Mallorca to finish: I think they rather enjoyed it!

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