Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Shaw business

The Shaws arrived on Friday night for a weekend visit, Alana sporting a 30-week bump containing Shaw No.3. Fortunately the weekend weather was pleasantly mild so on Saturday we reprised last December's walk up Arthur's Seat from St. Mary's Loch. Sean and Billy were great at scrambling up and down. Finn was rather reluctant this time but got there in the end and perked up on the descent. Rowan, the two-stone lump, was ferried by Iain, Sharon and me!

Sharon and the hyenaWe lunched at The Hub afterwards but it wasn't as good as the last time we were there, although it is still very reasonably priced and most accommodating for the children. Their "pizzas" left a lot to be desired however; slabs of bread with slices of uncooked tomato and shiny, melted, orange cheese aren't really what small children appreciate. I remember last year Rowan was just learning to walk and was toddling along the long corridor. He was similarly intent on exploring the venue this time but got a shock when he stood on the wheelchair lift and pressed the button as it started moving upwards!

I had a good afternoon with Finn. After collecting my car from the garage following its annual service and MOT, we both dozed off in the car at Ocean Terminal car park! We had a snack and did some light shopping (another ABBA CD for Finn and Sean) before driving home. Needless to say the CD was pounced on by Sean and has hardly left the CD player since. He took it in for Show & Tell today. It is rare that I get the time alone with just one of the boys and it has been a while since Finn and I did something together so it was good to focus on him for a change.

On the Sunday before Iain and Alana left, we spent the morning at Vogrie Park. The boys, Rowan especially, had a great time on the big zig-zag slide and Finn managed the flying fox by himself. We bumped into the Kirklands too. There was definitely a hint of autumn in the air as we walked back up to the cars.

Rowan had a trip to the doctor yesterday. He has had a spot on his chin for some months now. She said it is a cyst and that they'll just leave it as it should go away in time. He's also been referred for an eye test. We are keen to get this done given his brothers' optical challenges!

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