Tuesday, 3 February 2009

A cold snap

As the south of England is literally frozen in the grip of its worst snowfall for 18 years, we've not had it so bad. The snow came yesterday and went overnight although some more is forecast. It wasn't even the worst snowfall this winter. The drive home was arduous last night though. Traffic was tailed back from Comiston all the way to Forrest Rd (that is a very long way if you're sitting on a 23 bus) for no discernible reason other than it was a bit slippy. I had to manoeuvre through the rat-runs of Bruntsfield and Morningside to escape the worst of it but it still took almost an hour to drive home. Mind you, last week I walked to work from Buckstone shops. Sharon dropped me off there and, as a bus wasn't due for 12 minutes, I began walking. I was at Luca's at Holy Corner before a bus from any route passed me. So I kept going, to Standard Life House, since I had a meeting there and was able to get the company shuttle bus back down to Dundas House where my car was parked.

Sharon was down in Manchester at the weekend to meet up with Ruth and Susan so I was in charge of the three lads. We had a relatively quiet time, with Lesley and Stuart round on Saturday afternoon and a trip out to the partially closed museum on Sunday. The boys enjoyed their play in the science exhibition and especially enjoyed the cakes and hot chocolate across the road afterwards.

Finn wasn't at his best today, managing to break the frame of Sean's glasses with "a punch". Ross was here today after school, so, despite Finn having had Zoe here for lunch, it smacks of him being jealous for Sean's attention. Sean has enjoyed watching cricket with me the last couple of evenings. Whether this interest will last, we shall see, as he has little enthusiasm for sport. It's not a help that his brothers are younger than him (Rowan has a good kick on him though and was doing well hitting the football with a plastic golf club) so any time Sean and I kick a ball up and down the hall there is usually unwelcome interference from Finn or Rowan wanting to sit on the ball.

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