Sunday, 15 February 2009

Long time no speak!

Well its been a while since I posted anything to this website. Its not from a lack of will or motivation to do so, just a lack of time. Time is my biggest problem just now. Between the three boys, trying to keep the house ticking over and a business in a major growth period, I am struggling to keep all the plates spinning! This poor baby hardly gets a thought, which is terrible! When I think about how self-involved I was when pregnant with Sean, how ever kick and flutter in my belly would stop me in my tracks, how every second thought was baby-related, how much attention you got from others with your first! Let me tell you, fourth time round, it aint like that at all. Dont get me wrong, I am so keen to meet this little bundle, to see what the final installment of the Wallace clan looks like, what flavour we get!

What has really annoyed was the reactions to telling people we were having another, mainly negative comments along the lines of "you're not, are you?", "you must be mad having a fourth", etc. Some people had the cheek to ask if this baby was planned! This really infuriated me!

The other three boys have varied feelings towards the baby. Rowan seems quite nonplussed about the event. I've been trying to read him New Baby in the Family sort of books, but he still thinks he is the baby in the book, not the big-brother-in-waiting role! Sean is reasonably interested and was delighted to feel his first kick yesterday. Finn, on the other hand, is so excited. He talks to the baby, gives it kisses, hugs and raspberries on a regular occasion. I'll have my top or jumper whipped sky high in the middle of Tesco as he wants to say hello to the baby! He is adamant its a girl we will have. Needless to say he wants to call her Zoe! Funny to think we might not be able to use the phrase "the boys" to refer to the full compliment of kids by the summer!

Speaking of Zoe, we have a full house tonight. Zoe and her big brother Lewis are here on a sleepover, a first for both of them. Teatime was bedlam with barely enough plates for the 5 portions of pasta bolognaise, and the chocolate puddle pudding to follow. Rowan loved having the extra company at the table. Finn and Zoe were like an old couple, chatting away for ages after lights out! They do make me laugh, those two. I so so hope they are in the same class in P1 from August.

Before the arrival of the Valentines this afternoon, we had a lazy morning with lie-ins, football and cricket highlights. It was nice to open the curtains to a green back garden this morning, no snow or ice for a change. After lunch, we wrapped up and went to Vogrie for a walk in the woods. The snow may have gone, but the paths were still very muddy. We hadnt really picked the best footwear, Finn being the only one in the wellies. But it was a pleasant stroll through the trees, the boys picking up assorted twigs and sticks as they went along. Rowan walked quite a distance for his wee 2-year-old chubby legs. The fresh air was enjoyable, and there was almost a feel of Spring around the corner, with the milder weather and the snowdrops in bloom.

Lastly, my aunt Bernie is 50 tomorrow, which is incredible! Bernie still giggles like a teenager, and has never given much creedance to being "grown up", sensible or mature. She has an attitude to life that should be bottled and then poured over those with a negative, no-can-do disposition. Happy Birthday, Ber, much love xx

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