Monday, 8 June 2009

Angus arrives home

After three nights keeping his Mammy company in the hospital, Angus decided it was time he came home to meet the rest of the family and to see if the promises of a palatial crib with a view of the Pentland Hills and an unlimited milk bar were true. He's been as cranky as you'd expect a days-old baby to be, especially a big bouncer like Angus who's worried about where his next square feed is coming from. And, like his brothers were before him, he's no fan of getting his nappy changed. He likes warmth and a good cuddle and, with the aid of a formula top-up the last couple of nights, he's slept reasonably well in patches. Tonight will be the test though, as he moves in with his Mammy and Daddy.

I took Sean out to see Angus and Sharon yesterday and Finn got the prime job of being the big brother to escort home the newest Wallace boy, sitting beside a sleeping Angus on the drive home. Rowan's role was chief welcomer, which he did very well, as can be seen in the video. Sean was at school when Angus arrived home but was delighted when his Mammy came to pick him up as that meant she was home. All the boys have been missing their Mammy, who seems to be doing well following a rather traumatic birth. The SPD has eased off and hopefully the crutches can be returned soon. I'd postpone her can-can comeback for a few months yet.

Finn the Fish earned his final Beginner stickers today at swimming and now gets to wear a yellow hat, as he is now officially a Learner. Well done to the Wallace powerhouse of the pool!

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