Monday, 10 May 2010

Weekend work

While Sharon bears most of the childminding duties, it often falls to me at weekends and the odd work day when Sharon is training or arranging a coffee (pursuing a recruit lead). This weekend was one of those, with Sean and Finn attending their new trampolining class at Gracemount on Saturday morning and me keeping Rowan and Angus in check for the duration. The big two are enjoying the trampolining and Angus is starting to enjoy playparks: he had a big toothy grin, now that his top two teeth have broken through, as he whizzed down the slide at Gracemount, and repeated the feat at Newtongrange as I headed up there in the afternoon with the Fletcher boys.

On Sunday I boldly set out for Peebles first thing. We stopped at Hay Lodge Park and had a good stone-throwing session on a pebble-strewn bank of the Tweed, Angus sitting on the stones and keen to try out his new teeth by nibbling on a rock or two. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera because the sight of four Wallace boys on the swings and on the rocket rocker would have made a fantastic photo. Back in town we found nowhere open before noon on a Sunday so lunch was baguettes followed by ice-creams as we walked round to the other playpark while Angus napped. A good day out in the fresh air. Sharon flew down to London and met up with Katherine Grainger and Ali Barnes before heading on to a Pampered Chef executive meeting on the Monday.

I took the day off to do the ferrying of children hither and thither: to school and nursery and back again, although Finn going to Rory's for tea helped a bit. It's a busy time for both Sharon and I workwise and having to balance the demands of our jobs with the demands of the boys is very tiring. Life seems a blur at the moment: I almost feel I measure it out in 12-hour periods, generally the time on the digital clock in Angus's room at his morning and evening feeds.

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