Sunday, 6 February 2011

Divide and conquer

Sharon had the pleasure of taking "the wee two" as they are known in our house, Rowan and Angus, to Tralee for Barry's christening. Sean and Finn ("the big two") stayed at home with me. We decided it wasn't feasible for us all to travel to the south-west of Ireland for a long weekend and as Sean and Finn had been to London last October Sharon elected to take Rowan and Angus.

Rowan was as excitable as ever and announced loudly to Sharon and the whole plane on take-off, "I love flying. It makes my willy go all tingly!" Angus, nearing the end of his "infant" status, was a bit of a handful for Sharon, sitting in her lap. The boys were great all the way down to Tralee, Adrian picking them up at Dublin and doing the drive.

Angus was very affectionate with his little cousin, giving him lots of cuddles. Rowan was just wired and dangerous, running about like a mad thing and enjoying the attention, not to say the odd treat slipped his way in the O'Sullivan's shop. Barry was placid during the christening and Ro and Angus worked up a fine sweat at the party afterwards. Angus has started calling Rowan "ro-ro" and managed a "babi" before the weekend was out.

Meanwhile, back in Edinburgh, I took Sean and Finn swimming at Livingston (Finn and I had a sneaky evening swim on the Thursday at Gracemount while Sean was at cubs - Finn really enjoyed that) followed by a noodly lunch at Wagamama's. We also went to see the new Disney film, Entangled, at the cinema at Ocean Terminal, which was enjoyable. The big two were too weary to eat out afterwards though. We had to quit Lauriston Farm Inn after ordering drinks and just head home.

So we all had a good weekend, albeit in different countries, and everyone was happy to get together again at Edinburgh Airport on the Sunday afternoon!

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