It hardly seems the boys have been back to school five minutes and already they have a week's holiday! After a busy little term where the boys were very much into their Scottish roots, centred on Burns Night in January, Sharon has to keep them entertained for the mid-term holiday. We had a good start with a visit to the St. Johns' house on Saturday afternoon. The boys generally have a good time with Alex and Louis while we get to sit down with Brian and Lucy. As Sharon said, we don't get too many invitations as a family these days as we invade rather than visit! After a couple of sittings (one for the children, one for the adults) we returned home pleasantly full.
Yesterday was good too. Sharon and I secured a rare long lie, the boys being occupied electronically and not plaguing us with requests for food, then Sharon met Alana in town. I came in with the boys and we met up in the museum. The lads had a grand time in the science bit as usual and then explored one of the new areas behind the Millenium Clock. Next we went for lunch in the Assembly Bar round the back of the museum in Lothian St. It was very good value with three "small plates" for a fiver. Ideal for the kids. Sharon and I had a decent meal too and the boys had a great time playing round various couches and chairs. It wasn't too busy so they had the run of the place. And they played AC/DC's Powerage and For Those About To Rock albums back to back. What's not to like!?
Sharon took Sean and Angus back into the museum while I went to the Meadows playpark with the middle two. The weather has been pleasantly mild of late (while England has been deep into minus temperatures - ha ha!) and it was a great afternoon for Finn and Rowan to run themselves ragged. It's good to see Finn being a bit more active. Sometimes he can be a bit reluctant to expend energy. He took the opportunity to go to Hillend with Miriam and Sean last weekend so maybe he's starting to enjoy the physical side of life a bit more.
Talking of exercise, Sharon has been missing her running. Her foot is much better but it'll still be a good while before she can venture out on a jog. She contented herself with running me ragged last night instead, with some kettle bell core exercise and cardio-vascular work. I can't deny I need to get fitter but I find no pleasure in training and never have. My gout flared up too shortly afterwards so I'm contending with a sore foot and very stiff limbs today.
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